Which are the best handlebars for small children?

Kids bike handlebars, mountain bike style or normal (riser) for a 16 inch bike or 12 inch?

With small children, their needs might be different when biking than us adults.

When considering handlebars, do children have the same considerations as adults? As adults, we often select things based on what looks cooler or what is best for us. Is that the best plan?

Let’s talk about the differences in choices.

Often for road biking, adults will want the old style handlebars where you can get as low as possible and create the least amount of wind resistance, think Tour de France. While great for competition, this likely is not the best option for a preschooler.


There are also mountain bike style handlebars which place the rider in a position leaning forward. This helps with wind resistance and can also relieve some of the bodyweight on the gooch (perineum) by shifting weight onto the hands.

Then there are riser handlebars or “normal” or “kid bike handlebars.” These handlebars provide an upright seated position. This position is the most natural and comfortable for children that we at Adept Family brand have tested. The weight on the gooch (perineum) is not a large issue for children sized for a 12 or 16 inch bike; these kids usually weigh 25-50 pounds. Wind resistance could still be a factor on long rides, but not at the expense of your child not wanting to ride because they’re uncomfortable. These seem to be the most practical for families with small children that want to do more biking.